Is Your Business Posting With a Purpose?

21st July 2016

By: Phyllis Langley

As of June 2016, Instagram has reached a whopping 500 million monthly active users. Using the app to create effective campaigns and curate high quality content has become a tactic that is non-optional. And it's a tactic that the entire team should have fun and experiment with. Here are a few accounts that do this so well that will inspire you to post with a purpose.

Outdoor Voices

This brand has it down pat. A great mix of simple videos, nostalgic inspiration and product shots to create a well curated feed that keeps you coming back for more.

Beach People

It's a game of tones and they know how to play it. You will be scrolling for days through their feed once you catch a glimpse of these perfectly paired blue, white and black hues.


Minimalism is a hard theme to master but this brand does it effortlessly.


The voice and imagery of this brand is on point. They have a great way of curating user-generated content while sticking to their theme and speaking to customers in new markets.

What Instagram accounts do you look to for inspiration? Follow us and comment under our Instagram pic!

Work small, dream big,

Team Kinglet

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